Assessments and Fees

Please note that evaluation fees are based upon the complexity of the case and/or presenting problems. The  age of the examinee; number of direct observation sessions;  reviews of educational and/or medical records; time spent administering and scoring assessments;  data interpretation; and report writing are some of the factors that are included in the evaluation process. Consequently, fees are variable and contingent upon situational factors. All evaluations will include the necessary components needed to obtain school-based services in a public and/or private educational setting. Below is an approximation of fees charged for different types of psycho-educational evaluations. 

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Assessment

This assessment aims to identify the presence of behaviors and characteristics commonly observed in individuals diagnosed with ASD. Assessments within this battery include, but are not limited to, intellectual functioning, academic achievement, receptive and expressive communication, information processing, behavioral functioning and adaptive functioning.


ADOS-2 administration is possible for an additional fee.

Assessment of Behavioral/Social Emotional Functioning

This type of assessment is used to assess children for disorders, such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, and other behavioral or personality disorders. Evaluation tools will include an assessment of cognitive functioning, academic achievement, adaptive behaviors, social and emotional behavior, and/or projective techniques.


Gifted and Talented Assessment

This evaluation consists of an assessment of cognitive functioning. If academic achievement is necessary, an extra fee will be added.


Specific Learning Disabilities Assessment

This battery is designed to identify strengths and deficits in reading, writing and mathematics. Assessments are designed to evaluate for dyslexia, dysgraphia, and/or dyscalculia. Evaluations include, but are not limited to, intellectual functioning, academic achievement, phonological and orthographic processing, information processing skills, processing speed, and assessment of memory.


School Meetings and Conferences

Dr. Blacklock will attend a school meeting and interpret your child’s evaluation report to ensure all of those working with your child have a solid understanding of your child’s strengths and weaknesses.


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Assessment

This type is of evaluation is designed to identify behaviors and characteristics of ADHD. This includes the three subtypes of ADHD: Hyperactive/Impulsive, Inattenttive, and Combined Type. This battery includes an assessment of intellectual functioning, academic achievement, a continuous performance assessment, and ADHD behavior rating scales.


Mental Status Exam

This evaluation includes a suicide risk assessment and interview. A letter of documentation verifying mental health status can be provided to the school if necessary.
